Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

European Initiatives

FP7 Projet


Participants : Arnaud Fontaine, Isabelle Simplot-Ryl [correspondant] .

  • Title: Security Engineering for lifelong Evolvable Systems (SecureChange)


  • Defi: ICT forever yours

  • Instrument: Integrated Project (IP)

  • Duration: February 2009 - February 2012

  • Coordinator: Università degli Studi di Trento (Italy)

  • Others partners: ___Budapest University of Technology and Economics___ Hungary___ ___Gemalto___France___ ___Katholieke Universiteit Leuven___Belgium___ ___Smartesting___France___ ___Open University___UK___ ___Stiftelsen for industiell og teknisk forskning ved Norges Tekniske Hogskole___Norway___ ___Thales___France___ ___Telefonica Investigacion y Desarrollo Sociedad Anonima Unipersonal___Spain___ ___University of Innsbruck___Austrich___ ___Deep Blue___Italy___ ___Technische Universität Dortmund___Germany___

  • See also: ___http://www.securechange.eu/ ___

  • Abstract: ___Software-based systems are becoming increasingly long-living. This was demonstrated strikingly with the occurrence of the year 2000 bug, which occurred because software had been in use for far longer than its expected lifespan. At the same time, software-based systems are getting increasingly security-critical since software now pervades the whole critical infrastructures dealing with critical data of both nations and also private individuals. There is therefore a growing demand for more assurance and more verified security properties of IT systems both during development and at deployment time, in particular also for long living systems. Yet a long lived system also needs to be flexible, to adapt to changes and adjust to evolving requirements, usage and attack models. However, using today's system engineering techniques we are forced to trade flexibility for assurance or vice versa.___


Participants : Nathalie Mitton [correspondant] , Loic Schmidt, Lei Zhang, David Simplot-Ryl.

  • Title: Advanced Sensors and lightweight Programmable middleware for Innovative Rfid Enterprise applications (Aspire)


  • Instrument: Integrated Project (IP)

  • Duration: January 2008 - June 2011

  • Coordinator: Aalborg University (Denmark) (Italy)

  • Others partners: ___Université Joseph Fourrier - Grenoble University - LIG Laboratory___ France___ ___Athens Information Technology___Greece___ ___Melexis technologies SA___Switzerland___ ___Open Source Innovation Ltd___UK___ ___ UEAPME European Office of Crafts, Trades and SMEs for Standardisation___Belgium___ ___SENS@P___Greece___ ___Pole Traceability Valence___France___ ___Instituto Telecomunicacões___Portugal___

  • See also: ___http://www.fp7-aspire.eu/ ___

  • Abstract: ___ASPIRE Project (Advanced Sensors and lightweight Programmable middleware for Innovative Rfid Enterprise applications) will change the current RFID deployment paradigm, through introducing and boosting a shift towards royalty-free RFID middleware, while also placing the middleware at the heart of RFID infrastructures. In this paradigm a great deal of an RFID's solution intelligence is place on the middleware, which is freely offered to end-users (particularly SMEs). Accordingly, the RFID middleware can integrate with low-cost hardware, as well as with legacy IT and networking infrastructures of the networked enterprise. To support this paradigm ASPIRE will develop and deliver a lightweight, royalty-free, programmable, privacy friendly, standards-compliant, scalable, integrated and intelligent middleware platform that will facilitate low-cost development and deployment of innovative fully automatic RFID solutions. The above attributes of this middleware platform can be analyzed as follows: (i) Lightweight, (ii) Programmable, (iii) Intelligent, (iv) Standards-Compliant, (v) Scalable, (vi) Privacy-Friendly, (vii) Integrated. ASPIRE will research and provide a radical change in the current RFID deployment paradigm through innovative, programmable, royalty-free, lightweight and privacy friendly middleware. This new middleware paradigm will be particular beneficial to European SME, which are nowadays experiencing significant cost-barriers to RFID deployment ___

Collaborations in European Programs, except FP7


Participants : Gilles Grimaud [correspondant] , Michael Hauspie, Francois Serman.


  • Project acronym: EGO

  • Project title: EGO

  • Duration: 2010 - 2013

  • Coordinator: Gemalto (France)

  • Other partners: Atos Worldline (France), Cork Institute of Technologie (Ireland), Continental Automotive (France), IDEX (Norway), Decawave (Ireland), Precise Biometrics (Sweden), STMicroelectronics (France), Tyndall (Ireland)

  • Abstract: The eGo project offers an innovative way to establish wireless bidirectional channels of communication between objects and users. Using signal transmission via the user's body, every eGo-compliant object you touch is "paired" with the eGo device you carry on you, close to your skin. The objective is to enable very intuitive, very simple applications where touching a device turns into a personalization of such a device to install, for example, the user's rights and credentials. "what you touch is yours". eGo offers a vast horizon of new intuitive applications, making user interfaces as simple as possible. eGo will be prototyped, integrated in several form factors in miniaturized system (System In Package) for new sensors, new batteries, ultra low-power transmitters for intrabody communication (via a natural connector: human skin), a highly secure micro controller comparable to those embedded in smart cards, a large data storage capacity and a high performance, high-speed wireless (Ultra Wide Band) transmitters. Embedded software, including JavaCard technology and secure remote management (Trusted Service Management) for managing services will also be integrated. This web site presents multiple use cases where eGo can add value.

  • See also: ___ http://www.ego-project.eu/ ___